What Is the Fair Housing Act?

Definition and Example of the Fair Housing Act The Fair Housing Act is a law enacted in 1968 and has been updated several times since its inception….

What Is Elder Law?

Key Takeaways Elder law is a field of law that focuses on legal issues that affect older individuals. Major areas of elder law include disability and special-needs…

Power of Attorney Duties After the Principal’s Death

You can’t get a power of attorney to act for someone after they have died, and an existing power of attorney becomes invalid upon the death of…

What Are Fungible Investments?

Key Takeaways Fungible investments can be bought and sold on different exchanges. Fungible trading works when you can buy/sell on one exchange, and sell/buy on another exchange,…

HELOC Pros and Cons

HELOC Home Equity Loan Secured by your home equity Secured by your home equity Low interest rates Low interest rates Usually variable rate Variable or fixed rate…

What Is a Stock Market Quote?

Key Takeaways A stock quote shows the current price of a stock based on recent activity on its exchange. It also includes a wide range of additional…

How To Finance an Airbnb Business

Hosting a place on Airbnb can be a lucrative undertaking—although financing the initial investment might seem daunting. To help you gain a greater understanding of financing an…

What It Means for a Stock to Be Overweight

If you’ve ever read a report from an investment analyst, you may have seen stocks described as “overweight.” It can be a confusing term. Most people are…

How To Get SBA Loans for Franchises

7(a) Loans 504/CDC Loans Franchise Uses Establishing and operating the business as well as real estate or heavy equipment Purchase of real estate and large equipment or…

What Is Current Cash Value?

Definition and Example of Actual Cash Value Actual cash value (ACV) is how an insurance company measures a property’s worth at a given moment in time. It…